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explore subfolder image 2022.09.12
An Adobe Acrobat file Soldanu PDP 302 din 07.09.2022Download Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file Anexa la proiectul de dispoziție nr. 302 din 2022Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 5267 din 07.09.2022 - Anunt dezbatere publica PDP 302_2022Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file Anexa 3 PHCL 49_2021_impozite si taxe 2022Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file Anexa 4 PHCL 49_2021_impozite si taxe 2022Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file Anexa 1 PHCL 49_2021_ITL 2022Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file Anexa 2 PHCL 49_2021_impozite si taxe 2022Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 5878 din 11.11.2021_Referat aprobare ITL 2022Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 5879 din 11.11.2021_Anunt elaborare PHCL 49_2021 - ITL 2022Download Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file Soldanu PHCL 49 din 09.11.2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Soldanu PHCL 37 din 15.09.2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 4652 din 15.09.2021_Anunț dezbatere publica PHCL 37_2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Strategie de dezvoltare Comuna Soldanu 2021 - 2027 orizont 2030Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 4651 din 15.09.2021_Referat de aprobare PHCL 37_2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file Anexa la PHCL nr. 32_2021Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 3658 din 15.07.2021_Referat aprobare PHCL 31_2021Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 3674 din 16.07.2021_Anunț dezbatere publica PHCL 29_2021Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 3675 din 16.07.2021_Anunț dezbatere publica PHCL 30_2021Download Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file Soldanu PHCL 29 din 13.07.2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file Anexa nr. 1 la PHCL 30_2021Download Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file Soldanu PHCL 30 din 13.07.2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file Anexa nr. 1 la PHCL 31_2021Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 3678 din 16.07.2021_Anunț dezbatere publica PHCL 32_2021Download Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file Soldanu PHCL 32 din 14.07.2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file 3642 din 15.07.2021_Referat aprobare PHCL 30_2021Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 3663 din 16.07.2021_Referat aprobare PHCL 32_2021Download Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file Soldanu PHCL 31 din 14.07.2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file 3676 din 16.07.2021_Anunț dezbatere publica PHCL 31_2021Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file Anexa nr. 2 la PHCL 31_2021Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file Anexa nr. 2 la PHCL 30_2021Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 3640 din 14.07.2021_Referat de aprobare PHCL 29_2021Download Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file 7255 din 31.12.2020_Anunț elaborare PHCL 7253_2020Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 6856_29.11.2019_Referat aprobare plan masuri Legea 416 - 2020Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 7253 din 31.12.2020_PHCL aprobare taxe speciale 2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 6989 din 09.12.2019_Anunț dezbatere publică PHCL 6855_2019Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 6855 din 29.11.2019_PHCL plan actiuni si lucrari L416_2020Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 6668_26.11.2018_Anunț dezbatere publică PHCL 6589_2018Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 6589_23.11.2018_PHCL plan actiuni si lucrari L416_2019Download Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file Anunț dezbatere publică PHCL 740_2019Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file _740_08.02.2019_PHCL plan masuri gospodarire comunalaDownload Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file 6430 din 16.11.2020_Anunț dezbatere publica PHCL 6428_2020Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 6428 din 16.11.2020_PHCL plan actiuni si lucrari L416_2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 5950 din 23.10.2020_Anunt elaborare PHCL_ITL 2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 5949 din 23.10.2020_PHCL stabilire impozite si taxe locale 2021Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 5426_25.09.2018_Anunț elaborare PHCL_ITL 2019Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 5424_25.09.2018_PHCL stabilire impozite si taxe locale 2019Download Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file 3243_03.06.2019_Anunț dezbatere publică PHCL 3241_2019Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 1649_22.03.2019_Anunț elaborare PHCL_TS 2019Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Word file 3241_03.06.2019_PHCL aprobare completare anexa la HCL 9_29.03.2019Download Preceding File
An Adobe Acrobat file 250_15.01.2019_Anunț dezbatere publică PHCL6589_2018Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file 248_15.01.2019_PHCL aprobare SO CS DA SE_Teren aferent ConsumcoopDownload Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file 1647_22.03.2019_PHCL aprobare taxe speciale 2019Download Preceding File

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